Allen Women’s Health Center


Parent Organization: Allen Memorial Hospital

Location Information


Phone 319-235-5090


  • Family Planning Services

Handicap Accessible: Yes

Appointment Needed: Yes

The Title X Family Planning Program is the only Federal program dedicated solely to the provision of family planning and related preventive health services. The program is designed to provide contraceptive supplies and information to all who want and need them, with priority given to persons from low-income families.

The Title X mission is to assist individuals in determining the number and spacing of their children through the provision of affordable, voluntary family planning services. Title X Family Planning Clinics offer reproductive health services and community education across the state of Iowa.


  • Nutrition education
  • Community education
  • Annual exams for men and women
  • Infertility exams, counseling, and referral
  • Tests for high blood pressure and anemia
  • Pregnancy tests and counseling
  • Education on drugs, alcohol and tobacco related to reproductive health
  • Health education: breast cancer and testicular cancer self exams
  • Birth control supplies
  • Tests and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases and infections


Anyone in need of family planning services or information.

Intake Process:

Call for an appointment. Walk-in services may be available.


Self Pay, Private Insurance, Sliding Scale, Financial Assistance Available, Hawki, Medicaid

Handicap Accessible: Yes

Appointment Needed: Yes

Iowa Department of Public Health used a health equity lens and collaborated with African American / Black – identified community members and local maternal health experts to develop a culturally appropriate, community-based doula program.

What is a doula?
doula is a companion who supports a birthing person during prenatal period, labor, and postpartum. Doulas are trained to provide continuous, one-on-one care, as well as information, physical support, and emotional support to birthing persons and their partners.

What does a doula do?
Prenatal Period: Provides prenatal education, preparing families to make educated, well informed birthing and parenting choices.
Birthing: Provides physical and emotional support during labor and delivery, increasing their feelings of safety and comfort. They provide non-medical pain management techniques that decrease the need for unnecessary and expensive medical interventions. Doulas also facilitate positive communication between the birthing person and their health care providers.
Postpartum Period: Helps initiate breastfeeding and enhances a family’s confidence in caring for a newborn. Long-term doula care provides support and education for infant nutrition and health. They also serve as a source of information and referrals for a wide variety of needs.


  • Culturally appropriate, community-based doula program


Pregnant individuals who identify as African American / Black.

Intake Process:

This is a pilot project, spots are limited, contact the site to determine if spots are available.

Handicap Accessible: Yes

Appointment Needed: Yes

Website: Visit Website