Mid-Iowa Community Action, Inc. (MICA)

Head Start, WIC, energy assistance (LIHEAP), water assistance (LIHWAP), and crisis assistance among the 30 programs and services provided at MICA


Organization: N/A

Location Information


Phone (641) 752-7162

Head Start, WIC, energy assistance (LIHEAP), water assistance (LIHWAP), and crisis assistance among the 30 programs and services provided at MICA


  • Early Head Start
  • Head Start
  • WIC
  • Energy assistance (LIHEAP)
  • Water assistance (LIHWAP)
  • Crisis assistance
  • Healthy Child Care Iowa
  • Weatherization Assistance Program
  • and more…


Dependent on program/service.

Mailing Address:

1001 S. 18th Ave
Marshalltown, IA 50158

Handicap Accessible: No

Appointment Needed: No

Website: Visit Website

MICA has Early Head Start for pregnant persons and children aged 0-3, including home visiting and center-based options. Early Head Start helps your child develop the foundations of later educational and social success.


  • Parents are taught stages of child’s development and activities to do with their child to nurture their development to emphasize parental involvement


you must meet income guidelines and reside in Marshall, Hardin, Tama, or Story counties. Early Head Start is for pregnant persons and children under the age of 3.

Intake Process:

Contact MICA online via email or online form or call 641-752-7162


M-F 8:30am-4:30pm Closed Saturday and Sunday

Handicap Accessible: No

Appointment Needed: No

Website: Visit Website

Head Start gives children ages 3 and 4 the opportunity to grow and learn in a comprehensive early childhood setting. The program is specifically tailored to meet the educational and social needs of preschool-aged children.


  • Preschool experience that provides health services and screenings, teaches good nutrition and social skills, supports parents, promotes physical activity, and helps children learn essential skills


you must meet income guidelines, reside in Marshall, Hardin, Poweshiek, Tama, or Story counties (excluding Ames), and your child must be between 3 and 4 years old by September 15.

Intake Process:

Contact MICA online via email or online form or call 641-752-7162


M-F 8:30am-4:30pm Closed Saturday and Sunday

Handicap Accessible: No

Appointment Needed: No

Website: Visit Website

provide supplemental assistance to you in times of crisis, so you can access basic needs like heat and energy, even if you are behind on your bill. Both provide a one-time payment to the utility vendor.


  • Provides supplemental assistance in time of crisis for basic needs such as heat and energy for one time payment to utility vendor


You can apply for MICA’s LIHEAP program if you live in Marshall, Hardin, Tama, Poweshiek, or Story County. You must also meet income guidelines (about $42,375 or under for a family of four for LIHEAP) and pay a utility company directly for your energy or water.

Intake Process:

Submit application to MICA’s LIHEAP program


No specific hours served.

Handicap Accessible: No

Appointment Needed: No

Website: Visit Website

Weatherization makes energy efficiency improvements to homes by adding insulation, replacing appliances, and tightening the air flow in and out of a home.


  • Help replace inefficient or dangerous appliances, insulate home, installing low-flow shower heads and faucets, insulating pipes, installing efficient lightbulbs (not home repair program)


You qualify automatically for the Weatherization program if you have received Low-Income Home Energy Assistance. Your application for energy assistance is also your application for Weatherization. Weatherization staff works off of a list of families who need help after they have received energy assistance and contact families directly to ask them if they would like to participate in the program.

Intake Process:

You qualify automatically for the Weatherization program if you have received Low-Income Home Energy Assistance. Your application for energy assistance is also your application for Weatherization. Weatherization staff works off of a list of families who need help after they have received energy assistance and contact families directly to ask them if they would like to participate in the program.


No specific hours served.

Handicap Accessible: No

Appointment Needed: No

Website: Visit Website

Healthy Child Care Iowa supports local Maternal and Child Health agencies to define the role and responsibilities of the Child Care Nurse Consultant. CCNCs work with Iowa Early Care and Education programs to provide free services. The CCNC program is evidence-based and helps to ensure that children have access to healthy and safe care. CCNC’s are required to complete the Iowa Training Project for Child Care Nurse Consultants (ITPCCNC) training.  The purpose of ITPCCNC is to expand the nurse’s knowledge and skills to work with early childhood care and education providers.


  • On-site consultation
  • Training
  • Technical assistance
  • Information and referrals
  • Care planning for children with special health needs


Services are available to all Iowa child care providers and families.

Intake Process:

Contact your local Child Care Nurse Consultant or Child Care Resource and Referral.


Monday – Friday, 8am-5pm.

Handicap Accessible: No

Appointment Needed: No

Website: Visit Website