Operation Threshold offers Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) to help families and individuals find safe, decent and affordable housing. The agency also owns and manages rental units in both Independence and Waterloo. The purpose of Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRAA) is to assist people in securing decent affordable housing. Operation Threshold offers two TBRA programs:
1. City of Waterloo TBRA – This program provides eligible participants with the full rental deposit and 70% of the first month’s rent for housing units within the City of Waterloo. All housing units must be inspected and meet or exceed Housing Quality Standards (HQS). Inspections are performed at no cost by a qualified housing inspector. To be eligible for this program households must be income eligible.
2. Operation Threshold TBRA program – This program provides eligible participants with up to 24 months of rental assistance for rental units located in Black Hawk, Buchanan or Grundy counties. All housing units must be inspected and meet set housing quality standards. The amount of assistance received per household (each month and the length of time assistance is received) is determined on a case-by-case basis. To be eligible for this program, households must be income eligible.